September 10, 2018

Vote for These Topics by Tomorrow (John Scoggin)

Get out the vote! NSDA topic voting closes tomorrow. Click to read John's picks for the best topics for 2018-2019.
April 2, 2018

No Side Bias Across Berkeley & Harvard Elims

Overall, neg won 54.1% of prelim rounds, 49.6% of elim rounds, and 53.8% of all rounds at Berkeley and Harvard. We believe elimination rounds at major bid tournaments are the best sample for measuring side bias, and in our survey, neg won only 49.6% of elims at Berkeley and Harvard, indicating little discernible difference between aff and neg win rates.
December 19, 2017

10 Things I Like and Don’t Like (John Scoggin)

This season's second edition of "10 Things" by John Scoggin features util debates, the single-season bid record, tournament hospitality, and women in debate.
September 23, 2016

Three Reasons to Prefer Ordinal Judge Preferences (John Scoggin)

Most LD tournaments do mutual judge preferences (MJP) by the category method. Competitors rate judges into categories (often 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6/Strike) from […]
September 15, 2015

Aff Won Only 29% of Loyola Elims (John Scoggin)

Debate stats takes a look at side bias and speaker point trends at this year's Loyola Invitational.
January 14, 2015

Substantive/Structural Fairness by Bob Overing and John Scoggin

In this edition, Bob and John add some clarity to the substantive/structural fairness divide.
August 14, 2014

Rethinking the RVI by John Scoggin

We need some way to find a balance between the necessity of theory and its overabundance. Is theory as a reverse-voting-issue the answer?